English for Swiss citizens of the world

englisch für schweizer

Britain is no longer the country where the sun never sets. Those times are over. Is it really like that? The British Empire does not exist anymore but there is something that never eclipses British existence anywhere in the world.
This is undoubtedly the language of the English. English people no longer have a world empire, instead they have a world language. Today, this language is spoken by millions of people in England, Ireland, Australia, Canada and the US, and many peoples need to learn that language as their first foreign language.
There are many reasons why people in all countries of the world need to learn English at school. It is no coincidence why countless people who have forgotten the English language school attend an English course. Also in Basel, many language schools such as SLA Basel offer English courses.


Today English fulfills a connecting function and has therefore established itself as a binding global language in all countries of the world. The English language is the language of science, technology and business.
Who as a scientist, researcher, software programmer or businessman does not speak the English language, can not fulfill his career wish. But even as an athlete or artist, this language is essential to learn.
Someone who has a foreign colleague as a footballer or actor or wants to practice his profession abroad also has to speak that language. Especially for politicians English is a must. USA and England are among the most powerful countries in the world and communication with statesmen of other countries is mostly in English.



English is an important foreign language especially for the Swiss. Many Swiss can speak several languages like German, French and Italian. It is much easier for the Swiss to learn another language. Moreover, Switzerland is a world famous place for tourism and banking. These two industries make knowledge of English indispensable.

As the language of science, technology and business, English is also the language of the future. Of course, nowadays, there are countries like China or India, which can more and more assert themselves with their achievements in these three areas. The command of the languages of these countries undoubtedly brings many priceless benefits. However, we know that we can only deal with communication through English throughout the world. No wonder why English grades are so important at school and we have language schools like SLA everywhere, including in Basel, offering English courses for companies, travelers, students or students.

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